Whaley Bridge ER Primary School



Mathematics at Whaley Bridge

  Mathematics National Curriculum Summaries

To help secure children’s understanding of the different mathematical concepts, we use the concrete>pictorial>abstract approach which starts off using actual objects to add, subtract, multiply or

divide. It then uses pictorial representations such as drawings or diagrams of these objects and ends with the use of the actual numbers and mathematical symbols.  Further information detailing this approach can be found in our Progress in Calculations Policy and our Approach to Mathematics document, both which can be found in our Policies Page.

Progression in knowledge and skills

Mixed Age Class Mathematics POKS

Single Class Age Mathematics POKS

Mathematics Vocabulary

 Year 4 Multiplication Times Tables Check 


In 2021, the new multiplication tables check will be introduced for children in Year 4 to ensure they know their times tables up to 12×12 by heart. As well as being critical for everyday life, knowledge of multiplication tables helps children to solve problems quickly and flexibly and allows them to tackle more complex mathematics later on in school. Our day to day teaching places a strong emphasis on the acquisition of this important skill.  Please see the document below:

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check Presentation to Parents

White Rose Mathematics

Each year group follows the White Rose scheme of learning for mathematics which focusses on the development of children’s fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills in line with the 2014 National Curriculum.

In addition to the White Rose scheme, we also use materials from sources such as: Nrich, the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics), Testbase, Target Your Maths, Big Maths and Mathletics and to support the teaching and learning of mathematics, each classroom has a Maths Learning Wall and a Maths Facts Wall.

For more information on White Rose please follow this link https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/  

Helping My Child at Home

The mastery curriculum for primary school places problem solving at the heart of mathematics and by having strong fluency skills, children are able to access more complex tasks presented to them in unfamiliar contexts.

White Rose have now released a free ‘1-Minute Maths’ app which can be downloaded at home to support your child in developing their fluency skills.

The app is primarily aimed at children in Key Stage One, with a focus on adding, subtracting and subitising (the ability to instantly recognise the amount of objects in a group without needing to count them) through very short practices, although it would also be useful for children in the EYFS and those further up the school who require further practice with core number concepts.

So where should you start?

Reception children: We advise that your child should begin with tasks about subitising. This is one of the most critical number skills that a young child develops and links closely to the ‘mastering number’ work that they are doing in school.

Year 1 children: We advise that the children first check that they have mastered subitising, before moving on to tasks focused on adding and subtracting within 10.

Year 2 children: For these children, we suggest recapping the suggested Year 1 focus, before trying tasks focused on adding or subtracting number bonds to 20.

The app can be downloaded for free from the app store by searching for ‘White Rose 1-minute maths’ and can then be played offline.

If you have any further questions about this or how you can support your child at home, please feel free to get in touch with myself or your child’s class teacher.

Mrs Sackett

Maths Lead